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Aspirations: A Near Future Sci-Fi Thriller Page 8
Aspirations: A Near Future Sci-Fi Thriller Read online
Page 8
Julie had barely finished her food, and was still working on her tea, when a monk came up. He was a rather large, dark-skinned man. “I am Brother Crizel. I’m here to take your group for the accelerated training. For any of you who are able to complete your training successfully, in a few weeks you will be allowed to compete in this year’s contest that will determine who among the candidates will be named as members of our ranks. It will not be easy, because many of the others you will compete against have been training for a number of months or even years. Some have even attempted the contest one or more times, failing to succeed. It is very difficult to pass. But you have convinced one or more of the masters that you are a worthy candidate, and we wish to give you the opportunity.”
Julie was quite pleased that this monk did not single her out or attempt to dissuade her from her path. She could tell he honestly hoped that their group did well.
Brother Crizel led them to a new section in the compound where he walked the group through a series of warmup exercises. After the work with Mama Kash, the warmup was far too easy for Julie. But the exercises accomplished their goal, loosening the muscles to prevent injury. As they were finishing, a new monk arrived. An older man, he had an air of danger about him.
Brother Crizel quickly introduced him. “This is Weapons Master Hammond. He will teach you to work with weapons. You will meet here each afternoon, conduct the warm up exercises we just completed, and then train with Master Hammond.”
Master Hammond bowed to the group. “I will teach you the weapons that we use as monks. Many among our brethren spend their whole life training and do not completely master their abilities. Although I don’t expect you to do that in the short time we have, you will learn about each weapon used, and those of you who show an aptitude for one or more will be able to concentrate on learning that particular weapon or weapons.” He paused, looking out over the group with a discerning eye. “Your training will not be easy.”
He led them to an opened storage room on the side of the building they were facing. Pointing inside, he told them. “We will be starting with the staff today. I need you each to come forward and find the staff that suits you best. Then we will work the remainder of the afternoon with that weapon.”
Julie tried several but none of them seemed right. Finally she saw an old staff off by itself, and when she picked it up, it felt right. The weapons master stared at her, but said nothing. Pairing them up, he then proceeded to walk them through a set of exercises using the staff. The odd girl out, Julie found herself paired with the weapon’s master himself, and at first she was rather apprehensive. But after working with him only a few minutes, she found him patient and a very good teacher. The Master would show the group a series of moves and the pairs would work on those moves for some time. Then they would stop and gather around while the master demonstrated the next set.
By the time they finished, Julie was really tired. She did have a feeling that Master Hammond was actually quite pleased with her progress, which gave her a sense of accomplishment. But even so, she knew deep down the staff would not be her weapon of choice. The mechanics of the moves had been easy enough for her, but she didn’t have the strength to use the staff to the max or the desire to learn what she knew she would need to become a master of it.
Gathering the group one last time, Master Hammond told them, “We are finished with our training for the day. It is time for each of you to make a decision. You must decide how you feel about your staff. If you feel very strongly about it, I want you to keep it and you will work more with it later. Otherwise, return the staff, and perhaps you will find your preferred weapon later in your training.”
Julie had mixed feelings about her staff. Finally she asked the weapons master, “I feel like the staff really likes me, but it wants to stay here. What does that mean?”
Master Hammond bowed to her. “Two things. The staff you have chosen is very old, and it has been here a very long time. So it really likes it here, but it likes you a lot too. Secondly, it is telling you that the staff will not be your weapon of choice. We will train with knives tomorrow, and perhaps that will be your weapon. So leave the staff here, but whenever you come by, stop to say hello.”
Julie nodded, reverently laying the staff back down where she had found it. All of the others except one, left theirs also. He appeared to be quite attached to it, so Master Hammond told him that he should keep it. He explained to him that he would be training with it extensively and that it would be his responsibility to take care of it. Dismissed, Julie quickly made her way back to the cottage she was already calling home. She would quickly find out what her other training was to be.
Mama Kash had spent a few minutes talking with Master John about his class in meditation. They all had done very well with their meditation, but Julie had exceeded even her expectations. They both agreed that another monk was needed for her instruction, and she sent a note back by John requesting Master George to come see her charge in the morning.
Mama Kash spent most of her afternoon resting in her room, something she was loath to have to do, but it was necessary. The exercise that morning had been quite exhilarating, but it had taken a lot out of her. She also spent a considerable amount of time meditating, trying to come up with the best means to teach her charges quickly what they needed to know. She knew she just could not have the time with Julie she would have liked to have had. Instead of the years that she normally would have, she only had weeks. But in the next few months, the events the girl would be involved in were critical to the success of their cause, and would have repercussions for the whole world. She did have one other that she knew would be able to help with her training, someone the girl had yet to meet, but would in a few weeks.
By the time Julie arrived late that afternoon, physically exhausted but mentally exhilarated, Mama Kash had decided on her course of action. It was good that her granddaughter and Julie got along so well. She would use that to push them both forward.
When Julie arrived back at the cottage, it was a few minutes earlier than the time requested by Mama Kash, so she spent a few minutes talking with Loraine. She learned that Loraine’s family lived in Hong Kong, and were acting as the ambassadors to China for the monk island. Loraine had grown up with many of the same technological advantages as Julie and had a lot of the same background in education that most Americans had. She had just finished her high school classes. She was trying to work out her remaining education plans, but it was all still up in the air. When she learned about Julie’s time at the Space Academy, she was rather envious. Julie didn’t say anything to her, but an idea had come to her on that situation that she intended to pursue.
While they were talking, Mama Kash had finished her preparations, joining them in the little sitting room. She had the girls one at a time come close, whispering something in the ear of each, making sure that the other could not hear. When she told them what she wanted them to do, they both stared at her. “You two both have the talent to do this. You just have to open your minds to the possibilities.” She started back to her room. “Let me know when the evening meal is ready.”
Following Mama Kash’s instructions, the girls sat down across from each other, both dropping into a meditative state. Julie smiled as she thought of the number that Mama Kash had whispered to her. Twenty-one, Zeke’s age when she met him as Miranda. Twenty-one weeks, the amount of time that they had had together before the explosion in the lab had left Zeke ion his coma. The last was was much more bittersweet. But strangely, the number nineteen kept slipping into her mind, with a strong sense of sadness, much stronger than she should have felt. She really believed Zeke would be alright. She had to believe that!
Finally she opened her eyes to look into Loraine’s eyes, which had also just opened. It all was suddenly clear to her. She spoke to Loraine in a quiet voice, tears in her eyes. “Please tell me about the number nineteen and why it brings such sadness to you
Loraine gave her a smile, her own set of tears flowing. “My sister. She would have been nineteen today. She died nearly four years ago, the victim of an inoperable brain tumor that probably today something like your nanites could have cured. I loved her very much, and I still miss her badly.” She finally wiped the tears from her eyes. Looking directly at Julie, she asked, “What does your twenty-one mean? I feel sadness too, but your hope is strong.”
Totally amazed at what had just happened, Julie explained. “My boyfriend Zeke. He turned twenty-one right before I met him and we had twenty-one weeks together. He’s in a coma right now. He was critically injured in an explosion that he set off to save me from an evil man who intended to kidnap me. Because of the severity of his injuries, Zeke is being treated with my nanites, and we think he will be ok in a few weeks. I don’t know that for sure, but the only way I can go on is to believe that it is true.” She reached across and gave Loraine a hug. “I’m so sorry about your sister. Let me help you prepare the evening meal. You can tell me about her, and I will tell you about Zeke.”
By the time the evening meal was ready, the two had bonded closely together. And they both knew Mama Kash was the source, thanking her repeatedly when she came out. As a result, the three enjoyed a quiet meal, a strong sense of closeness enfolding them.
After the evening meal, Julie was still a little giddy from her experience, but she knew she still had work to do. She was able to quickly catch up on her VR messages from work and Emily. She spent a few minutes, telling Emily about her day. Emily would send her response later and give her a report on Zeke, not that it would be anything different than the last one, but it helped her to know that Emily was watching over him.
She then spent the rest of the evening working on the design for the power system prototype. She was getting close to finalizing the design, excitedly anticipating being able to order parts in a few days. Of course, she knew she couldn’t finish it without Zeke anyway. Oh Zeke, without you all this is nothing. Please come back to me!
More Training
The next morning began similar to the day before, except Julie had a new monk for meditation. Mama Kash and Master John had collaborated the day before, their discussion resulting in the appearance of another monk who introduced himself as Master George. This time Julie was by herself. This monk was considerably older than Master John, and he had a depth about him that Julie sensed immediately. After giving her a bow of good morning, he led her up a different path that was considerably steeper and more difficult than the one they had taken the day before.
Julie struggled a little at times, but by concentrating on each step, she was able to keep up with him. She suspected though that the monk was deliberately going only as fast as it took to push her. Eventually they came out of the trees into the rocks, the trail continuing on up the side of the mountain. From there on the going was even more difficult. Fortunately, the monk went slower. It still was a trail at least, not a climb straight up a rock wall like she saw to the left of her, something Julie knew she would not be able to do. She struggled with nearly every step, but eventually they reached the top of the climb.
The view was even more awesome than what she had seen the day before. Julie could see almost the entire island. Behind her was the tallest mountain and she was up about two-thirds of its height. Again she could see the sea off the two sides, vainly dashing itself up against the cliffs. She could see the little plateau they were on the day before right in front of her, and below it the chasm that split the island into two islands. The water rushing between the islands seemed even rougher than she when had seen it the day before. Again she could see across the water to the darkness of the mainland.
The monk turned to her and said, “Choose a rock to sit on. Then I want you to slow your breathing and heart rate like yesterday, but instead of turning inward I want you to reach out until you can feel unity with nature. If you cannot accomplish the goal today, we will come back tomorrow and the day after until you do.”
Julie gave him a bow, student to master. Closing her eyes, she was able to feel the energy flows around her. She sensed one spot stronger than its surrounding areas. Opening her eyes she immediately saw the rock that matched her feelings. It was a little higher and a slightly different color from the others around it. She climbed up, sitting down much as she had done the day before. The monk never said anything, or even changed his expression, but she felt his approval.
As soon as she was settled, Master George began to talk, walking her through the exercise. His voice was very pleasant to listen to and Julie quickly found herself moving through the progression of meditative steps as he spoke. As he continued in his instructions, it wasn’t long before she was no longer consciously hearing him, but she continued following as directed.
First, he had Julie concentrate on her breathing and heart rate. After the day before it was much easier. She felt the energy flows around her. Again the spot she was sitting in seemed to be a nexus for those energies. As she went deeper, as instructed, she slipped her awareness around those energy flows. It was a tremendous feeling!
Suddenly it was like she was flying across the island. She felt the energy of first the trees and then the animals underneath them. Sweeping up the even bigger mountain behind her as if carried on the wind, she found herself looking at the eagles nesting on the steepest of the twin peaks of the mountain. She gasped as she felt the mother eagle become aware of her. It was as if the eagle studied her and then she felt an invitation, as if she had passed an inspection.
Amazingly, she was flying with the eagle, who with two mighty beats of her wings rose up from the nest to soar out over the island. To Julie, it was as if it was her that was flying, and as the eagle surveyed the land below her, she could see with eagle eyes. The sharp detail the eagle could see was incredible. They saw a mouse below, but it was too close to the safety of its burrow. They soared up again as they caught an updraft, and then surveying a meadow below them, they saw it. A rabbit had wandered too far out into the meadow below. Screaming in delight, they dropped like a rock to swoop down and strike the rabbit, catching it in their talons. Food for the babies, they thought, and with a few beats of their wings, they were back high in the air, flying back to the nest.
When they reached the mountain, they quickly dropped to the nest, the baby eagles all waiting for their mother. Julie felt that she was now intruding on the family time, so with a mental thank you to the eagle, Julie released from her, and suddenly she was back on her rock.
“That was incredible,” she breathed, and she looked up to see the monk standing beside her. “I flew with the eagle, and it was the most amazing thing I have ever experienced.”
“You flew with the eagle?” the monk said, staring at her in wonder. “I have known of only two others that have flown with the eagle, Master John and Master Kash. I will need to tell this to Master Kash and try to gather understanding. Please, do not discuss this with anyone else.”
Julie nodded. “No one else would believe me anyway,” she told him. “Except maybe Master John. Is it ok if I discuss it with him?”
“Yes, he is fine, as I know his heart. He cares very much for the Order and our way of life. I have been warned that you are an agent of change, but I can feel your heart and it is a good one, despite the turmoil that you are struggling with. That is my talent I bring to the order. I can sense someone and whether their intentions are good or evil.”
“That must work well for negotiations,” Julie told him with a smile. “If you know their intent, you can protect yourself from the ones who would take advantage of you.”
“That is true. I sometimes accompany the Master for that very purpose.” Bowing to her, the monk told her, “Please follow me. We must get you to your next appointed task.” He led the way back down the rocky trail. Julie still felt as if she was flying with the eagle, so she really had to concentrate on the task of walking.
When they arri
ved back at the cottage, Jason was leading the group in their warmup routine, Mama Kash nowhere in sight. Julie quickly joined them, the feeling of belonging within the little group strong. After Jason finished, Loraine took over, leading the group in moves like the day before, again a complex set of moves. For some time the group worked together, delighting with the dance, flowing with the movement until finally Loraine stopped. Once more everyone was smiling with the excitement of the exercise. Bowing to Julie, Loraine asked her to lead them in the cool-down, and Julie was quite happy to do so, the pleasure she had felt in the dance still strong.
After lunch, Julie was pleased to be back with her group of students from the day before. She was surprised to find that this time they were sent to a classroom where they learned about the code the monks lived by. She thought that their code was the ideal philosophy, closely matching the way she had been taught as a child. Nothing simplistic like “Do no harm” and nothing that supported the opposite extreme. When faced with a decision that required a defensive response, the code taught to use the least amount of force necessary, but if the situation warranted, to respond with deadly force. When faced with a decision requiring an offensive response, the code required them to test the need against a set of rules intended to determine the amount of force required weighed against the need to right a wrong or fight against an evil.
After class they were met again by the weapons master. Julie thought it was appropriate that they had studied the code before they began this class. Today they were to use knives, and Julie knew that although it was possible to use the handle end of a knife to knock someone out, more often than not the intent of using a knife was to injure or kill the opponent. A set of targets had been set up in front of the training building, each getting progressively further distant.